Financial Aid


Create a FINANCIAL_AID setting in Django settings. It should be a dictionary. Values can include:

The email address that messages related to financial aid come from, and that users should email with questions. Defaults to

To enable applications, use the admin to create new FinancialAidApplicationPeriod records with the desired start and end dates.

Reviewer email to applicants

Reviewers can select one or more applicants on the application list page and click “Send email”. On the next page, they can enter a subject, pick a template, and click “Send”. Each applicant selected will receive an email customized for them using the template chosen.

Templates for this function are created and edited in the admin, at e.g. /2016/admin/finaid/financialaidemailtemplate/.

Each template has a name, which is just used to identify the template here and on the mail sending page, and a body, which uses Django templating to render the body of each email.

In the template body, you have access to the usual Django template tags, and some variables that you can access:

  • application - a FinancialAidApplication object. This gives access to a lot of useful information from the user’s application that can be used in your email, e.g.:

    Dear {{ application.user.get_full_name }},
    {% if application.travel_grant_requested %}You requested a travel grant...{% endif %}
  • review - a FinancialAidReviewData object. This gives access to the information from the review of the application. E.g.:

    {% if review.amount %}You are being granted ${{ review.amount }}
    toward conference attendance.{% endif %}

You can test your template by sending yourself email messages.

The fields in the FinancialAidApplication and FinancialAidReviewData records are subject to change, but you can review their current definitions at


Editing applications

To create or edit an application, the app uses the finaid/edit.html template. The context provides a form variable containing the form. A default template is provided that is customized to work with the PyCon site.

Email notices

The text for many emails comes from templates whose paths start with “finaid”.

Email template file names have this format:

finaid/{{ recipient }}/{{ event }}/[subject|body].txt

recipient can be:

  • applicant
  • reviewer

event can be:

  • edited
  • submitted
  • message (a message was added to an application)

subject and body should be self-evident.

Subject templates should be a single line.

So for example, the templates used to notify a reviewer that the applicant has edited their application are finaid/reviewer/edited/subject.txt and finaid/reviewer/edited/body.txt.