There’s a very basic API.


To use the API requires an authentication key. Admins can add records to the pycon.APIAuth table and then give the randomly generated key to a user. They can also set a record to disabled (or just delete it) to revoke access.

When calling the API, users should add a request header HTTP_X_API_KEY whose value is the key that an admin gave them.

Proposal data

The proposal data methods allow associating an arbitrary blob of text (perhaps JSON) with a proposal, and retrieving it later.

IRC logs

The IRC logs methods allow associating IRC log lines with a proposal, and retrieving them later.

The API tracks timestamps to the microsecond (if the database supports it), but be warned that the Django admin will lose the microseconds if you edit a log line there.

Presentation URLs

The presentation URLs method allows setting a talk’s video, slides, and assets URLs.